The journey of One.

I’ve talked about salvation, healing, deliverance and the baptism of the Holy Ghost. I’ve talked about what is required to walk in all these gifts of God. I’ve had many people help me walk in righteousness. They have taught, exhorted, encouraged and prayed for me. They believed the best for me. But whole time I had to make the decisions by myself. As much as they wanted, it only happens when I decide to follow Jesus and die to myself. The life that God calls us to is simple. When we begin God is there and goes before us to make the paths straight. When we walk into a situation, We allow God to move through us and He does the work. Then God gives us the reward. Although, other people are walking on this path, the journey is ours alone. We as an individual must make this journey by ourselves. It’s a journey of one.

Crain Blanchard.

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